主頁 / Your Rights

Photo Copyright

Photos here are in the public domain (by grant). They can be used under the Creative Commons CC0 license for the same effect.

Your Rights

Thanks to the donation of these photos to the public domain, you have unrestricted rights under copyright law to use these photos photos however you wish. However, copyright applicability to these photos is not the only legal concern you must consider if you wish to use these photos for more than personal viewing.

For example, if a person is in the photo, that person has rights that are completely unrelated to copyrights, including a right to privacy. Similarly, the photos may show protected intellectual property (artwork, architecture, etc.), and appearance in these public domain photos does not put those protected works into the public domain. Before using photos here for anything other than personal viewing, you are strongly advised to consider what laws, treaties, regulations, and other restrictions may exist regarding the photo(s) you wish to use. Failing to do so could result in severe legal penalties if you use a photo from this site for some purpose and you had no right to do that due to restrictions on what is shown in the photo.

If you are unsure about your ability to use a photo you obtained on this site, please consult a qualified attorney. The site owner and the descendants of Floyd R. Whitmore cannot provide you with legal advice regarding photo usage.

Please be kind, considerate, and respectful in how you use photos from this site.

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