Akceptejo / Custom Scanning

Custom Scanning

Is there an image in the archive that you would like to use for something, but there is a flaw in the scan? Perhaps the color is wrong, or perhaps the digital artifacts from the scan processing are causing problems in a digital project, or perhaps you want a full scan without any automatic cropping.... Whatever the problem may be, it is possible that a fresh scan with custom settings and processing will fix it. The archivist who is building this site (Stuart Whitmore) can re-scan images for you.

This is not currently a paid (commercial) service, but a donation is requested to compensate the archivist for his time, since he will need to locate the slide again, clean it again, and then perform the scanning with whatever adjustments are desired. Donations also support the continued development and existence of the archive. For a single scan, a donation of $20 is requested. For larger projects, please discuss details with Stuart.

If you would like to request re-scanning service, write to Stuart at: frw-photos (at) just-stuart.com.

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